6月25日、年鑑『Graphic Design in Japan 2019』を発行いたします。全国の会員から約2,030作品が出品され、厳正な選考の結果、約600作品が入選(入選率28.5%)となりました。また、全作品の中から最も優れた作品とその制作者に贈られる「亀倉雄策賞」、カテゴリーごとに優れた作品に贈られる「JAGDA賞」、今後の活躍が期待される有望な若手グラフィックデザイナーに贈られる「JAGDA新人賞」を今年も選出。世界でも評価の高い、日本のグラフィックデザインの現在を伝えつつ、データベース性も持たせた、実用性の高いデザイン年鑑です。
More Details in Japanese
From 2018 to 2020, Japan Graphic Designers Associtioan (JAGDA) uses the power of design to connect to support artists with disabilities and Paralympians over three years. The second round of this initiative features tumblers, an everyday product, created by designers from works by artists with disabilities from the Able Art Company (with some exceptions). They will be exhibited and sold for charity over the course of the year at Tokyo Midtown Design Hub and other locations throughout Japan. Making use of their skills in this field, JAGDA designers will participate as volunteers. A usage fee will be paid to the artists. All proceeds from sales minus manufacturing costs will be donated to the Paralympians Association of Japan.
●Selected tumblers on sale at Tully's Coffee
Four selected designs are currently available at Tully's Coffee shops across Japan as Tully’s Tumbl“Art” (1,400 yen per bottle / 350ml / details). A part of proceeds will go to Paralympians Association of Japan.
More Details in Japanese
For three years from 2018, JAGDA will support artists and athletes with disabilities by making the most of design’s power to connect. As the first round of the project, designers across Japan and abroad designed masking tapes featuring artworks by the challenged artists registered at Able Art Company. The exhibition will launch at Design Hub and travel across Japan throughout 2018. The tapes will be on sale at each venue and proceeds will go to Paralympians Association of Japan.
●Stocks on sale
The stocks are currently available online at JAGDA Online Shop. The proceeds go to Paralympians Association of Japan.