
Report on Packaging Tohoku Products – Deliciously Delightful 2016

More details in Japanese

To communicate charms of the Tohoku region through power of design, Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry and JAGDA called for package design proposals for 10 products from the region among designers across Japan to coordinate outstanding proposals for practical use.
Its goal is to support the sales promotion and branding of processed food of the region, and to help managers of SMEs, who did not have opportunities to work with designers, recognize the value of design. In the course of commercialise the awarded designs, SMEs and designers receive advice from IP experts and are encouraged to exchange written contracts on attributes of rights and condition of use of designs such as design fee.
Thus we hope the products with renewed packages will contribute actual sales of the products as a way of reconstruction assistance.
The exhibition of selected works, held in Sendai and Tokyo, were favourably reviewed by visitors and covered by various media such as newspapers, magazines, radio and so on.



Report on Packaging Tohoku Products – Deliciously Delightful 2015

More Details in Japanese

To communicate charms of the Tohoku region through power of design, Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry and JAGDA called for package design proposals for 10 products from the region among designers across Japan to coordinate outstanding proposals for practical use.
Its goal is to support the sales promotion and branding of processed food of the region, and to help managers of SMEs, who did not have opportunities to work with designers, recognize the value of design. In the course of commercialise the awarded designs, SMEs and designers receive advice from IP experts and are encouraged to exchange written contracts on attributes of rights and condition of use of designs such as design fee.
Thus we hope the products with renewed packages will contribute actual sales of the products as a way of reconstruction assistance.
The exhibition of selected works, held in Sendai and Tokyo, were favourably reviewed by visitors and covered by various media such as newspapers, magazines, radio and so on.



“Traditional Performing Arts of Japan” poster series relaunched after 36 years


JAGDA collaborated with UCLA and Waseda University to create a poster series commemorating the launch of their joint research “Yanai Initiative Japanese Performing Arts Program.”
In 1981 UCLA produced a poster series for its Asian Performing Arts Summer Institute with the late design critic Masaru Katzumie as a curator. For the 2017 edition, the same theme was revisited after 36 years.
The eleven posters were premiered in May to the LA audience in conjunction with the Kyogen performance by Mansaku and Mansai Nomura. Further details of the exhibitions in Japan and abroad will be posted.



「UCLA・早稲田大学 日本の伝統芸能ポスター」編成に協力

More details in English


制作者:[全体]浅葉克己 [狂言]永井一正、五十嵐威暢、佐藤 卓
    [能]勝井三雄、仲條正義、原 研哉、服部一成 [大太鼓]長友啓典
    [津軽三味線]葛西 薫 [雅楽]上條喬久
主 催:柳井正イニシアティブ グローバル・ジャパン・ヒューマニティーズ・プロジェクト
協 力:株式会社竹尾、凸版印刷株式会社、JAGDA




日 時:2017年11月25日(土)13:00−17:30
会 場:東京ミッドタウン・カンファレンス Room1+2
講 師:岡 邦俊(JAGDA顧問弁護士)、原 研哉(デザイナー)、中西元男(PAOSグループ代表)、
    高橋幸志(特許庁) 以上、講演順
定 員:120名
