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【地区】「JAGDA 新人賞展2011 大黒大悟・高田 唯・天宅 正」新潟巡回展

会場:新潟県立近代美術館 ギャラリー




「言葉のデザイン2010 オンスクリーンタイポグラフィを考える」電子書籍 iPadアプリでリリース

言葉のデザイン2010 オンスクリーンタイポグラフィを考える」全8回の研究会の記録が電子書籍になりました。

・定価:1,200円(税込) *iTunes Storeよりお求めください。
・監修:永原康史、原 研哉
・協力:アドビシステムズ 株式会社 
     鳥海 修(字游工房)/宮崎光弘(AXIS design)/高橋源一郎(作家)/
     小泉 均(タイポグラファー、グラフィッカー)/岡部 務(NHKデザインセンター)/
     中村勇吾(tha ltd.)/山田尚郎(日本経済新聞社)/糟谷雅章(毎日新聞社)/
     山本太郎(アドビ システムズ)/冨田信雄(モリサワ)




【JAGDA】The JAGDA exhibition “Handkerchiefs for Tohoku Children”

What can design do?

Many people are fighting as hard as they can, to return to normal everyday life, to restore their hearts, and to build the future.

What can design do?
We need to keep answering this question from now on.

The Japan Graphic Designers Association (JAGDA) will hold an exhibition intended to present gifts of handkerchiefs to children in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, to help them feel a little better, as part of its project to aid reconstruction after the earthquake.

Every time a visitor to the exhibition buys a handkerchief, another handkerchief with the same design will be sent to a child.

First, the exhibition will be held at the Taipei World Design Expo to be held in October, in Taipei, Taiwan, along with a presentation for the world’s designers intended as an expression of thanks for the support for reconstruction Japan has received.
At the same time, exhibition and sales will start in Japan as well, with the exhibition held across Japan through the end of the year.

Design definitely makes people happy. We would like to work together to prove this concept.
Be sure to keep your eye on this activity, Japan’s one of the largest creative charity project,
as it demonstrates to the fullest extent the power of JAGDA as a national organization.

Handkerchiefs for children in areas severely affected by the earthquake and tsunami in March, from graphic designers all over Japan. It’s a “Buy One, Give One” model so if you buy a handkerchief, another one with the same design will be given to a child in Tohoku.(Plans call for the gift handkerchiefs to be produced following completion of the exhibition and distributed next spring together with the start of the new school year.)

・Exhibits: Square handkerchiefs with sewn edges(450mm×450mm, 100% cotton)
・Exhibitors: 586 graphic designers who are JAGDA members
・Sales: 1,500 yen per handkerchief (tax-included / shipping cost excluded).
 Spot sale at the Tokyo exhibition. At other venues, Orders will be taken (online shop).
・Special website: Planned for release mid-October
  (will be announced on the official JAGDA website)
・Organizer: Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc.(JAGDA)
・Production: Yaezawa Co., Ltd.




JAGDA Presents Hiroshima Appeals Poster 2011 by Susumu Endo

JAGDA, in collaboration with the Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation, launched a volunteer project “Hiroshima Appeals” poster campaign in 1983, focusing on the theme “Hiroshima’s Spirit” with the goal of promoting peace at home and abroad. The project, conducted annually through 1989, was reinstated in 2005 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. This year Susumu Endo created the poster for 2011, which is the 14th work of this series.




トッパングループとJAGDA が復興支援カレンダー 「OHAYO! CALENDAR」を制作、7月より配付開始!

凸版印刷株式会社をはじめとするトッパングループと社団法人日本グラフィックデザイナー協会(JAGDA)は、被災者の方々に向けて2011年版のカレンダー「OHAYO! CALENDAR」を共同で制作、配布する取り組みを開始しています。
