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【JAGDA宮城地区】JAGDA新人賞展2013 田中義久・平野篤史・宮田裕美詠

会場:せんだいメディアテーク5F ギャラリー3300





会場:大分県立芸術文化短期大学 人文棟1F 大講義室




The JAGDA Handkerchiefs for Tohoku Children Part 2

●Report on Shinchi Elementary School (10 Spt 2015)

Shinchi Elementary School (Fukushima) had a change in the plan for how they use the donation. Their initial plan was to develop a new name of a designated area within the “disaster prevention green zone” and produce its signboard. However, as it became clear that the “green zone” was to be constructed by aid from governments, the school decided to purchase a play equipment. On 25 August, a brand-new slide was installed in the schoolyard, where children were just recently allowed to play outdoors. The presentation ceremony was attended by the whole school, and some graduates, now junior-high students, who actually contributed drawings for the handkerchiefs in 2012.


●Report on Shiromaru Elementary School (updated 20 Mar 2014)
Shiromaru Elementary School (Miyagi) is a hub for community network: it hosts sports festival every year and also becomes an evacuation centre in a time of disaster. The children will develop two projects out of the donation. Firstly they will make various flags with symbol marks for each local area in Shiromaru district. The flags can become signs in times of both peace and disaster. Secondly they will install notice boards in front of school gates to encourage school and local community share the information. The flags and notice boards will be produced in February 2014, again in collaboration with designers and children.


On 28 February, the flags and notice boards were presented to children.


●Report on Otsuchi Elementary School (updated 20 Mar 2014)
The children of Otsuchi Elementary School (Iwate) conducted a questionnaire among all the 6th graders, who contributed the drawings for handkerchiefs in 2012. The class representatives narrowed down the options from as many as 400 to 6, such as purchasing books or playground equipment and inviting a travelling zoo. Their conclusion was to host an one-day festival square in a gym, so that not only themselves but also the whole school and local community can enjoy shopping and playing around stalls.


On 12 and 13 February, the 6th graders hosted the festival for 1st to 5th graders and school crossing guards from local community.


●Report on Shinchi Elementary School (updated 20 Mar 2014)
Shinchi is a coastal town in Soma-gun, Fukushima. The prefecture and town governments are planning to develop the severely affected areas into “disaster prevention green zone”. The children of Shinchi Elementary School (Fukushima) discussed how they can contribute to this project, which is expected to become a focal point of community gathering and a symbol for revitalization of the town. Their conclusion was to develop a new name of a designated area within the green zone and produce its signboard. It takes four more years or so until the coastal area gets maintained, so the school will keep the signboard and transfer it when it’s completed.


●Report on Naraha Minami-kita Elementary School (16 Oct 2013)
The children of Naraha Minami-kita Elementary School decided to use the profit of handkerchiefs to bring drum and bugle corps back to their school. They could not bring their instruments because of radioactive concerns when they evacuated to Iwaki City. JAGDA supported the sixth-graders to reach the conclusion at a workshop in July, and donated a set of instruments equivalent of 1.25 million yen to the school in August. They practiced over a month and performed their school song in front of their families and people of Naraha Town at a school festival on 12 October.

●Reports on sales and exhibitions (updated 5 Jan 2015)

From January 2013 to May 2014, the Handkerchiefs Exhibition 2 was held at 27 venues in 22 cities in Japan, Singapore and UK, selling 8,769 handkerchiefs on site and online. The profit, 5,046,566 Yen in total, will be donated to four participating schools in Tohoku, where children have started to discuss how to make the most of the donation. Their plans will be posted here in autumn.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. for their support on touring the exhibition.

- Handkerchiefs by children in Tohoku and designers across Japan to lift up your spirit -

In 2011 Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc. (JAGDA) organised "Handkerchiefs for Tohoku Children" exhibition showcasing original handkerchiefs by its member designers. They were exhibited and sold across Japan and overseas, and with its profit, we presented 7,000 pieces to children in Tohoku region. To continue our support for the affected areas, this year we produced handkerchiefs in collaboration with children in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima as Part 2 of the Handkerchiefs Project. The handkerchiefs created by 385 designers and 232 children are available at exhibition venues and online for wider audience. The sales will be donated to children who contributed drawings, so that they can find how to make use of it to rebuild their own communities.




「JAGDAやさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」

More details in English





「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」に参加した4つの小学校のうち、四郎丸小学校(宮城)における寄付金の使い道が「みんな集合 旗プロジェクト」と「情報発信プロジェクト」に決定しました。四郎丸小は、災害時に避難所となるほか、普段からも運動会が開催されるなど地域交流の拠点となる存在です。今回は、行事や災害時に目印となる地区ごとの旗を制作し、また、校門前に掲示板を設置することで学校と地域の情報共有をめざします。2014年2月完成に向け、再び子どもたちとデザイナーのコラボレーションにより制作します。





「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」に参加した4つの小学校のうち、大槌小学校(岩手)における寄付金の使い道が「お祭り広場」に決定しました。大槌小では、絵を描いた6年生全員にアンケートをとり、400ものアイデアの中からクラス委員が6案に絞り込みました。図書や遊具の購入、1日動物園などの中から、最終的には、自分たちだけでなく学校や地域のみんなも楽しめるイベントにとの思いから、2014年2月、体育館で1日限りの「お祭り広場」を開催し、いろいろな屋台でお買い物を楽しんでもらう予定です。





「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」に参加した4つの小学校のうち、新地小学校(福島)における寄付金の使い道が「防災緑地の一部エリアのネーミング検討、看板づくり」に決定しました。新地町は福島県相馬郡の沿岸にあり、県と町は、特に大きな津波被害を受けた地区を「防災緑地」として整備する計画を進めています。新地小の子どもたちは今回、地域の再生やつどいの場となるこの空間で何ができるかを考えました。「防災緑地」の完成は4年ほど先になりますが、卒業前に看板などを制作し、学校で保存。緑地完成時に移築する予定です。



「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」に参加した4つの小学校のうち、楢葉南北小学校(福島)における寄付金の使い道が「鼓笛隊の復活」に決定しました。現在、同校はいわき市内の仮設校舎に移転していますが、放射能の心配もあり、避難先へ楽器を持ってくることができませんでした。JAGDAでは、7月に子どもたちと一緒に使い道を検討し、「鼓笛隊」に決定したことを受け、8月末に同校へ楽器一式(125万円相当)を寄贈。10/12に開催された学習発表会で、6年生による校歌の演奏が家族や地域の方々にお披露目されました。



「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」は、多くの皆さまのお力添えを頂き、2013年1月から2014年5月の間に国内外22都市27会場へ巡回し、会場およびオンラインショップを通じて8,769枚ものハンカチをお買い求め頂くことができました。「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 1」(国内外12都市14会場で7,332枚を販売)を大きく上回る結果となり、また、売上から原価を除いた寄付総額は5,046,566円となりました。現在、参加小学校の子どもたちがこの寄付金の使い道を検討中です。使い道が確定しだい、改めてご報告いたします。


社団法人日本グラフィックデザイナー協会(以下JAGDA)は、2013年1月15日(火)から2月17日(日)まで、「JAGDAやさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」を開催します。
継続的な復興支援のために、今年も「やさしいハンカチ展 Part 2」を行います。今回は、岩手・宮城・福島の子どもたち232名による絵をもとに、デザイナー385名がハンカチをデザインし、全国で展示・販売します。完成したハンカチは絵を描いた子どもたちへ贈られるとともに、販売収益も各小学校へ還元し、被災地の未来のために役立てる使い道を、子どもたちが主体となって考えます。子どもたちとデザイナーが一緒につくった元気のでるハンカチを、ぜひご覧ください。




【JAGDA富山地区】JAGDA富山ポスターデザイン展 Vol.18 GREEN

