Size: B5/624 pages/color
Book design: Kan Akita
Member/friend/student price:
5,300 yen
Non-member price: 7,500 yen
JAGDA Secretariat
Tel 03-5770-7509
Sendenkaigi Co.,Ltd.
This book includes the contents of 40 sessions given by 90 Japanese and overseas speakers at the 2003 Icograda Congress Nagoya, Japan, held in October 2003, together with many pictures. It offers a valuable background of knowledge for future communication design. By keeping this book close at hand and reading it in a timely manner as needed, the quality of your design endeavors will naturally improve over time.
The 2003 Icograda Congress Nagoya, Japan was held in October 2003 in conjunction with the 20th general assembly of the International Council of Graphic Design Association (Icograda). JAGDA took charge of planning and organizing the conference. It was the largest scale conference in Japan’s design history since the World Design Conference held in 1960. As many as 3,800 people from 49 countries participated in the conference under the theme of the “Quality of Information”.