
Design Caravan 1997 in Oita, “Tourism and Design””

Size: B6/114 pages
Design: Chihiro Ishida

Member/friend price: 1,000 yen
Non-member price: 1,300 yen

JAGDA Secretariat
Tel 03-5770-7509

Design Caravan 1997 in Oita, “Tourism and Design”

The Design Caravan, which started in 1997, is a project designed to give an opportunity to think specifically about the future roles and possibilities of design in the world, society and community. The first Design Caravan was held in Oita under the theme of “Tourism and Design”. Graphic designers, architects and environmental academics gave lectures to five design study groups and discussed the theme from various viewpoints. This is a report of the discussion with pictures offering rich ideas and suggestions for regional development using design.